Misawa Atsuhiko ANIMALS in graf
graf media gm is proud to present “ANIMALS in graf” by sculptor Atsuhiko Misawa from Dec 1, 2007 thru Jan 20, 2008. After a chance meeting with Misawa at "Yoshitomo Nara+graf A to Z", a large-scale art project we took part in Hirosaki, Aomori prefecture in October 2006, we had the chance to collaborat in April 2007, by building a hut for his polar bear sculpture under the name YNG (Yoshitomo Nara+graf) for his "Misawa Atsuhiko ANIMALS+" exhibition at the Hiratsuka Museum of Art. Now, coinciding with "Misawa Atsuhiko ANIMALS+", graf media gm will present the other side of the exhibition through his other works and drawings.

Misawa Atsuhiko ANIMALS in graf

[ Exhibition ] December 1, 2007 – January 20, 2008

[ Venue ] graf media gm (graf bld. 5F 4-1-18 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan)

[ Opening Hours ] 12:00-20:00 Free of Admission

[ Closed ] Monday (closed after the holiday)

[ Enquiry ] graf media gm
tel: 06-6459-2082 mail: gm@graf-d3.com

[ Curated by ] Atsuhiko Misawa, graf media gm

[ Atsuhiko Misawa profile ]

Born in Kyoto, 1961, Misawa completed his Masters degree in the post-graduate course for Art Studies at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. He was awarded the 20th Hirakushi Denchu Prize in July 2001. In 2002, he received public acclaim for his solo show "ANIMALS 02" (Nishimura gallery, Tokyo) where he showed his animal sculptures such as the giant giraffe, kangaroo, mandrill, rabbit and a dog and cat. “Misawa Atsuhiko ANIMALS+” will be held at the Itami City Museum of Art from November 3 thru December 16, 2007.